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Friday 24 June 2011

Market Research

Identifies info on:
-         Patterns and trends in the population and society such as age gender and income
-         Trends in employment, inflation and interest rates
-         The size, buying behaviour and preferences of the market segment
-         Styling trends, colours, and fabric trends for the season
-         Pricing strategies
-         Competition
Either from primary (shop or trade fair surveys, questionnaires, consumer surveys) or secondary resources – already published information (newspapers, trend forecasting companies, commercial reports, internet)
Primary research is either:
How people think and feel about an issue and why they take certain decisions – written form. This kind of research is usually concentrated among a few individuals to explore in-depth their behaviour. Further research then done to see if this is representative of the whole market group.
How many people hold similar views or display similar characteristics, such as how many people watch sport on tv or how many belong to a sports club. This kind of research uses surveys to collect data about the attitudes and opinions about a sample of the TMG. The responses are then used to determine the views of the whole target market.
Need to make sure they:
-         Avoid jargon and be clear and easy to understand
-         Only include relevant questions
-         Short questions with fewer than 20 words
-         Make sure each question is precise and tackles one subject at a time.
-         Avoid leading questions
-         Not offensive
Product analysis
Enables the analysis of a competitors product. This provides info about the construction, price, materials, components. This also helps in the development specifications of a new product and also provides with marketing information in the form of a SWOT analysis. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.

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